Authors: Muhamed PK, Vadstrup S
Citation: Ugeskr. Laeg. 2014 Mar;176(5)
PMID : 25096007, Journal: Ugeskr. Laeg., 176, 5
Date created: 2014-08-06
Zinc is one of the most important trace elements. Zinc deficiency is a major health problem worldwide. Causes of zinc deficiency can be nutritional, iatrogenic, genetic or a result of diseases. Severe zinc deficiency results in symptoms like pustular dermatitis, alopecia, weight loss, diarrhoea, infections secondary to immune dysfunction, hypogonadism and problems in ulcer healing. Zinc supplementation is necessary in cases of zinc deficiency, but high doses zinc supplementation through a long time can result in copper deficiency or anaemia. Thus a rational use of zinc supplementation in the required time is necessary.