Authors: Kim MH, Kim EJ, Jung JY, Choi MK Citation: Biol Trace Elem Res 2014 May;158(2):238-42 PMID : 24664270, Journal: Biol Trace Elem Res, 158, 2 Date created: … [Read more...]
Soluble silica and coral sand suppress high blood pressure and improve the related aortic gene expressions in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Authors: Maehira F, Motomura K, Ishimine N, Miyagi I, Eguchi Y, Teruya S Citation: Nutr Res 2011 Feb;31(2):147-56 PMID : 21419319, Journal: Nutr Res, 31, 2 Date created: … [Read more...]
Biosilica-based strategies for treatment of osteoporosis and other bone diseases
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Oral silicon supplementation: an effective therapy for preventing oral aluminum absorption and retention in mammals
Authors: Domingo JL, Gómez M, Colomina MT Citation: Nutr. Rev. 2011 Jan;69(1):41-51 PMID : 21198634, Journal: Nutr. Rev., 69, 1 Date created: 2011-01-04 Abstract Silicon … [Read more...]