Authors: Thomson CD, Wickens K, Miller J, Ingham T, Lampshire P, Epton MJ, Town GI, Pattemore P, Crane J, Citation: Clin. Exp. Allergy 2012 Apr;42(4):560-7 PMID : … [Read more...]
Search Results for: iron
[Evaluation of the dietary intake of vitamins and minerals in the daily food rations by the students of the Rzeszów University]
Authors: Gil M, Głodek E, Rudy M Citation: Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2012;63(4):441-6 PMID : 23631265, Journal: Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig, 63, 4 Date created: … [Read more...]
Concurrent micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent in nonpregnant rural and tribal women from central India
Authors: Menon KC, Skeaff SA, Thomson CD, Gray AR, Ferguson EL, Zodpey S, Saraf A, Das PK, Toteja GS, Pandav CS Citation: Nutrition 2011 Apr;27(4):496-502 PMID : 20558038, … [Read more...]
Silicon deprivation does not significantly modify the acute white blood cell response but does modify tissue mineral distribution response to an endotoxin challenge.
Silicon deprivation does not significantly modify the acute white blood cell response but does modify tissue mineral distribution response to an endotoxin challenge. Biol … [Read more...]