Authors: Rathore D, Agrawal SB
Citation: J Environ Biol 2014 May;35(3):505-11
PMID : 24813006, Journal: J Environ Biol, 35, 3
Date created: 2014-05-12
Field study was conducted in two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. cv. HD 2329 and HUW 234) by supplimenting UV-B irradiation with different levels of mineral nutrients in order to evaluate the accumulation and translocation of trace elements. sUV-B significantly affected accumulation and translocation of most of the metals studied. Application of nutrients at higher doses enhanced the accumulation of trace elements in plants and grains of both cultivars. A higher dose of nutrient along with sUV-B resulted in increased accumulation of lead both in plants and grains, cadmium and chromium in grains, and copper in plants and decreased accumulation of cadmium in plants, copper in grains, chromium in plants and iron in plants and grains of both the tested cultivars. Nickel concentration increased in plants of HUW 234 due to simultaneous stress. Trace element concentration did not differ noticeably in the tested cultivars but the stress response differed perceptibly. Cultivar HD 2329 showed more significant interaction than HUW 234.