Authors: Hataguchi Y, Tai H, Nakajima H, Kimata H
Citation: Eur J Clin Nutr 2005 Sep;59(9):1093-6
PMID : 16015263, Journal: Eur J Clin Nutr, 59, 9
Date created: 2005-09-01
OBJECTIVE: The effect of drinking deep-sea water on hair minerals was studied in patients with atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS). Study of hair minerals revealed an imbalance of essential minerals and an increase in toxic minerals in AEDS patients.
DESIGN: After drinking deep-sea water (Amami no Mizu) for 6 months in AEDS patients, hair minerals (essential minerals and toxic minerals), clinical evaluation of the skin symptoms were compared before drinking with after drinking.
SUBJECTS: After obtaining informed consent, 33 patients (mean age 26 y, range 1-50 y, 13 male and 20 female subjects) with mild to moderate AEDS were enrolled.
RESULTS: After drinking deep-sea water, the levels of the essential mineral, potassium (K), were significantly decreased, while the levels of selenium (Se) increased. On the other hand, drinking deep-sea water significantly decreased the levels of the toxic minerals, mercury and lead. Moreover, after drinking deep-sea water, the skin symptoms were improved in 27 out of 33 patients.
CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the mineral abnormalities/imbalance may be involved in the pathogenesis of AEDS, and that drinking deep-sea water may be useful in the treatment of AEDS.