Authors: Menon KC, Skeaff SA, Thomson CD, Gray AR, Ferguson EL, Zodpey S, Saraf A, Das PK, Toteja GS, Pandav CS
Citation: Nutrition 2011 Apr;27(4):496-502
PMID : 20558038, Journal: Nutrition, 27, 4
Date created: 2011-03-11
OBJECTIVE: The existence of concurrent micronutrient deficiencies in Indian women of reproductive age has received little attention. This study aimed to comprehensively assess the micronutrient status of nonpregnant rural and tribal women 18-30 y from central India.
METHODS: Participants (n = 109) were randomly selected using a stratified (rural-tribal) proportionate-to-population size cluster sampling method from 12 subcenters in Ramtek block, Nagpur. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, dietary, and biochemical data, including blood and urine samples, were obtained.
RESULTS: Tribal and rural women had similar sociodemographic characteristics and anthropometric status; 63% of women had a body mass index
CONCLUSION: Zinc, vitamin B(12), and iron constitute the principal micronutrient deficiencies in these women. Existing supplementation programs should be extended to include 18- to 30-y-old nonpregnant women as the majority of childbearing occurs within this timeframe.